Deep in the vast expanse of the cosmos, there exists a surreal and mysterious place known as the Cordilleras Cosmos. It is a place that defies explanation, where reality and imagination blur together in a breathtaking display of cosmic beauty.
Those lucky enough to find themselves in this otherworldly realm are treated to sights that seem almost too surreal to be true. The mountains stretching towards the heavens are made of shimmering stardust, their peaks crowned with glittering galaxies that twinkle in the darkness.
The valleys between the mountains are filled with celestial rivers that flow with liquid light, weaving intricate patterns of luminescence across the cosmic landscape. And high above it all, swirling, swirling colors and shapes dances across the sky, casting an ethereal glow across the Cordilleras Cosmos.
Despite its fantastical appearance, there is a sense of peace and tranquility that permeates this strange and surreal place. It is a reminder that even in the vast emptiness of space, there is beauty, a wonder to be discovered, and a sense of awe that can leave even the most jaded space traveler breathless with amazement.
And so the Cordilleras Cosmos remains a mystery, a place that exists beyond our understanding and yet continues to draw us in with its otherworldly beauty. For those lucky enough to witness its magic, it is a reminder that the universe is full of surprises, and that even the wildest dreams can come true in the most unexpected of places.
OCTUBRE 20, 2021
Artwork: Surrealism
Artist: Damián Marsero
Tools: Photoshop, Premiere Pro & After Effects.
Tools: Photoshop, Premiere Pro & After Effects.